No time limit

참여를 위해 부여 받은 면접 코드를 입력해 주세요.
‘환경 테스트 하기 버튼’을 통해 면접 전
미리 장비 테스트
를 진행하실 수 있습니다.
You can turn the device on and off.
If the device is not working, check if it is connected.
When you are ready, ask the interviewer to proceed.

00 : 48 : 12

Displays the remaining interview time.
1 2

00 : 48 : 12

How to conduct an interview 1. Check the microphone and camera test and settings
2. Switch to full screen
3. Check the position of the upper body and eyes
4. Click the Request for Proceed b button to request an interview
5. Conducting interviews
Request to proceed with the interview
Request to proceed with the interview

인터뷰 마스터 IM 화상면접 이용시간이 종료되었습니다.

※5초후 자동으로 닫히며, 자동 퇴장합니다.
How to resolve when the device is not set up. 1. Please check if you use Chrome browser
2. Click the lock icon in the upper left corner of the
browser and approve the device.
3. Check the operation of the camera or microphone in the window.
4. Please contact IM CS Center for technical information.
Device Settings

Please check the condition of the camera and microphone.


The camera is operating normally.

카메라 영상이 정상적이지 않습니다.


Microphone sound is detected normally.

마이크 소리가 감지되지 않습니다.

Please join us after resetting the device test.
· Date/time-
· Name-
· E-Mail-
· Code-
· Position-
· Field-
please wait for a moment. Pending approval.